Saturday, October 16, 2004


It took two cups of chai to get me to S's Mysore class today but I made it and 'twas well worth the effort -- one of those rare (every two years), amazing practices that feel so good on the body that the mind is similarly affected and all that's wrong with the world shrinks to the size of the diamond in one's nose. Perhaps last night's frozen mango lassi with protein powder had something to do with it....

That said, I cannot help but wonder why the hell my classes are shrinking, not growing, it being perfect yoga weather (ie cold). Plus the studio where I do most of my teaching is offering a promotion in which the first class is free for new students. So why the dropoff? Could it have something to do with the few weeks of robotic Stepford-led classes earlier this autumn? Is it them or is it me? At the same time, my myriad male admirers seem to have fallen victim to paralyisis of the fingers and gone AWOL as well. All that is but the vegetarian with the good head of hair who's been to India and has a sharp wit indeed....

In other news... I've been looking for a sign as to when I should travel next to Mysore -- January or July (Guruji's birthday). Apparently the family is touring from March to May and the shala will be closed. That's one sign. Last night I had a PG-13 dream about Pattabhi Jois. Another sign? We were in Mysore. Sharath was there, and the rest of the family. It seemed like summer. But was it summer in India or in the US...?

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