Monday, February 10, 2020


The Power That Knows the Way will take care of you. The one who makes the sun shine, the grass grow, the apples grow perfectly on apple trees. The food that sustains us, nourishes us, everything has been lovingly provided for us. Have faith. Trust The Power That Knows the Way. This is a first step. To have total faith, and total trust in the infinity, the one. You may call this God, if you want to. Makes no difference what you call it. It is within you. It is without you. It is everywhere. Always turn within. That is where all the answers are.

Without is a dream. Within is the Self. In reality, there is no real without, there is no within. It is a figure of explaining this. You have to turn within because you think you are living without. When you turn within, the within will eventually disappear, and the without will eventually disappear. Everything will disappear when you begin to turn within. Yet, when you awaken, everything will appear the same as it is now, except you will not be a part of it. You will see things that you do now, but you will no longer be fooled. The world will no longer fool you by telling you this is right and this is wrong, this is good and this is bad. You will be finished with all this. You introvert the mind upon itself. When the mind is introverted upon itself, it disappears, for it never existed. But, when the mind is extroverted, then you are alive and well in the world. It comes with all types of experiences. In school, they taught you to be extroverted, to have an outgoing personality. Well, what has it done for you? It made us all into a bunch of idiots. Look at the world in which we are living. See what is going on. Look at our figureheads, government officials, state officials. These are all extroverted people. We have been told that to be introverted is to be a loner, and never get anywhere. Where do you want to get? If these people only realized that the world in which they are playing is all karmic. In other words, everybody is in their right place, where they are supposed to be. There are no mistakes.

So these people do not believe they are not the body and the world does not exist. But they believe there are bodies and there is a world and a universe. They should accept the fact that karma is the ruler of the universe. And everything that appears to be is karmic in effect. This is why I always say there are no mistakes. For you are where you are supposed to be in accordance with the law of karma. But do not keep thinking about getting rid of karma, for you will have a battle on your hands. You have to grow out of this, and see that karma never existed and does not really exist. So, just wake up. Awaken.

-Robert Adams 🕉

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