Monday, January 12, 2004

Once again I made it to India and my luggage did not. Those Germans. This time though I knew what to do and got out of the airport in less than 45 minutes, and this time I am going on a minor shopping spree (Devudtt and I have two rooms in the middle of Bangalore's shopping district). He was there at the airport to pick me up, which was like receiving a wonderful gift, and greeted me with cookies, a hug and bottled water. After a stunningly refreshing bucket-bath and a good night's sleep (thanks, Tylenol PM) I got up and did yoga up through Janu C, plus closing (this time I had the foresight to bring the mat on the plane with me; also a yoga outfit, alarm clock, toiletries and a change of clothes). Then we took an auto rickshaw to see Devdutt's aunt, who made us a lovely lunch. We saw her last time around; she is a great painter (minimalist Japanese style) -- wow, I am hearing a call to mosque at this very moment; it brings me right back to the Kaveri Lodge -- and brilliant/funny. We also saw his granny, who is tre sweat and joked about putting her into sirsasana. Then we walked around a bit and bought these great little coffee filter things (similar to a French press but there's no glass to break, is there). It's strange, how similar everything is. The minute I got off the plane I smelled that humid, burnt / incense smell and felt welcome. ALso I think I blew the customs' guy's mind when I heard him talking about dinner to a colleage and said, "Oota aita?" (Have you eaten?) Love love love it here. On Wed Dev. goes to Bangkok and I go south to Kovalam -- the land of Communists, coconuts, cashews, Catholics and the highest literacy rate in the country.....In the meantime there's more family tomorrow, plus I'm going to try to see my downstair's neighbor's family as well.....

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