Sunday, May 03, 2009


Today it was so warm I was able to ride the bike to the 10am class.

Afterwards, I needed to bring the key to SportMarty so he can do cat-duty.

I ran into him on the street after teaching.

I also needed to call Blet today, to find out if Sunday night would be canceled again.

I ran into him on the street a few minutes later, near Trader Joe's.

(So far, no one in his house is sick - so we're on for tonight).

To top it off, the weather is splendid. Flowers are blooming, too-green leaves are appearing, warblers are in season and the whole world has crawled out of their collective hole to enjoy the spectacle.

Sure, we're all a little pale and puffy after such a long winter.

But we're still here.

Even the miserable people have a spring in their step.

And one of the worst weeks in weeks seems like distant memory.


  1. "Even the miserable people have a spring in their step"

    one of my favorite lines, ever :)

  2. It's Chicago, that = misery.

    What about the heat form the slum-lord?
