Thursday, October 18, 2012


"Religion, mysticism, theology, art, science and psychology give partial truths. Such truths Gaudapada does not altogether reject. They are, to him, stages in the evolution of philosophical thinking, which culiminates in the experience of Ultimate Reality. Sarvam khalvidam Brahman - 'All that exists is Brahman.' Therefore Turiya fulfills the conditions of Reality laid down by Gaudapada, namely, absence of disputes and conflicts, and promotion of the welfare of all beings rather than mere personal satisfaction.

"....Vedanta admits three criteria of truth; scriptural revelation, reflection and experience. Scripture describes Ultimate Reality as revealed to the seers, whose minds were purified and made one-pointed by the practice of self-control and concentration. By means of reflection the pupil tests the validity of what he learns from scripture through a qualified teacher. Through contemplation Reality becomes evident, 'like a fruit in the palm of one's hand.' Experience gives the final stamp of validity. Scripture proposes, but reason and experience dispose. All these three act as mutual checks on one another. When scriptural evidence, reflection, and personal experience point to the same conclusion, one can be sure of having arrived at Truth, which may be further corroborated by the tests mentioned before, namely, it must be free from disputes and conflicts and must promote the welfare of all beings."

-Swami Nikhilananda

1 comment:

  1. Swami Nikhilananda says:

    "When scriptural evidence, reflection, and personal experience point to the same conclusion, one can be sure of having arrived at Truth,..."

    Ralph from DeKalb says:

