Monday, July 26, 2021

Returning to the Self

“The first thought to appear is the 'I'-thought. It rises in the Heart

and, in a split second, travels to the brain, identifies with the body and the

senses, and then sees the world around it as a real world.

Follow the quest 'Who am I?'. Follow the 'I' back to its source. When the 'I'

goes back to its source and identifies with the Self instead of with the

senses, there is eternal peace and bliss. To do this you have to get rid of all

thoughts. The first of all thoughts is the 'I'-thought. Give up all other

thoughts and catch hold of the 'I'-thought. The Self will then embrace that 'I'

and devour it.”

-Lakshmana Swamy, 1925-2021

Learn more about self-inquiry here.


Monday, July 19, 2021

What is a Concept?


Questioner: What is a concept? 

Jean Klein: A concept is a thought, and a thought is a word; a word is a sound, and a sound is a pulsation. What comes before the pulsation? Stillness. Therefore a concept is nothing but an objectifying of stillness. In reality all that appears is an expression of stillness. So in the moment of unity with expression, there is only stillness.

* * * 

Bonus Quote

“When you breath in, it is a receiving. When you breath out, it is an offering.”

-Jean Klein



Monday, July 12, 2021

Bhakti (Devotion) and Jnana (Knowledge)

“To long for happiness is Bhakti (devotion). To long for the Self is Jnana (knowledge). It is Jnana to know that the Master is within you, but to commune with Him is Bhakti. When the love of God or Self is manifest, it is Bhakti; when it is in secret it is Jnana. Jnana and Bhakti are like two sweets made out of the same sugar. You can choose whichever you like. Giving up ‘mine’ is Bhakti; giving up ‘I’ is Jnana. The former gives up all his possessions; the latter gives up the very possessor himself.” 

-Ramana Maharshi

Monday, July 05, 2021

True Freedom

“Never say, "O Lord, I am a miserable sinner." Who will help you? You are the help of the universe. What in this universe can help you? What can prevail over you? You are the God of the universe; where can you seek for help? Never help came from anywhere but from yourself. In your ignorance, every prayer that you made and that was answered, you thought was answered by some Being, but you answered the prayer yourself unknowingly. The help came from yourself, and you fondly imagined that someone was sending help to you. There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. Like the silkworm, you have built a cocoon around yourself. Who will save you? Burst your own cocoon and come out as a beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. Then alone you will see Truth.” 

― Swami Vivekananda 
