Thursday, May 02, 2013

Thursday Quote

"One year of yoga [asana] costs less than a single day in the hospital."

-Suza Francina, in The New Yoga for Healthy Aging

Context: this is Francina's response when "People sometimes tell me, 'But not everyone can afford to go to a yoga class or purchase those expensive yoga bolsters.' One reader even accused me of being 'elitist,' arguing that many older people cannot afford to attend classes at fully equipped yoga centers and that they don't have the money to purchase props for home use."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, boy...if I added up all the money I'd spent on yoga over the last few years, it would still be well less than what was spent on doctors and hospitals before I took up my "expensive hobby." I'd probably need at least 10 years of weekly private lessons to approach the cost of ONE of my hospital stays. The steroid I used to take every day for asthma costs about $200/month (insurance paid part).

    A lot of older people struggle with drug costs (which admittedly are "hidden" by health insurance for many) but gym/studio membership fees might be a "luxury". About half of elderly patients take 5 or more medicines regularly (polypharmacy,, prescriptions often run well over $100/month each. Not to mention any time you are taking that many drugs, there is a much higher risk of adverse reactions and complications, which leads to more suffering.

    Getting patients to make lifestyle changes is a common source of frustration for physicians: they can tell patients to lose weight, or exercise more, and most of them can't (or won't) change. At some point, it's easier (and less frustrating) to prescribe another drug. And a lot of physicians weren't trained in counseling patients about lifestyle. Modern medicine is unfortunately much better at treating acute problems (like a broken leg) than chronic diseases or getting people to change unhealthy habits.

    OK--rant on the US Healthcare system is over now!
