Monday, February 13, 2023

The Light of All Lights

One day a group of musicians came to play for Ramana Maharshi. The instruments included flute, violin and harmonium.

Afterwards there was a discussion about the various instruments and which was the most pleasing. The Maharshi said that he himself listened to nothing but the harmonium as its steady, monotonous, one-pointed rhythm helped to keep one centered in the Self.
Q: What is the significance of the spot between the eyebrows?
RM: It is a reminder not to see with our eyes. The mind functions both as light and objects; if divested of objects the Light alone will remain.
Q: But must we know that there is such light?
RM: Sight or cognition pertains to the present state because there is light. Light is the essential requisite for sight. It is plain in our daily life. Among the lights, the sunlight is the most important. Hence they speak of the glory of millions of suns.
Q: I cannot go within sufficiently deeply.
RM: It is wrong to say that. Where are you now, if not in the Self? Where can you go? All at is necessary is the stern belief that you are the Self. It is better to say that the other activities throw a veil over you.
- Conscious Immortality (Roy Eugene Davis)

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