Saturday, January 01, 2005


(Or if you thought turning 35 was hard, try 40!)

In January I went to India to study yoga again with my 89-year old. teacher, and while hosting more than my fair share of parasites I stood up from backbend (finally!) and drove a scooter all over town....While I was gone the landlord put in a new kitchen and I was named one of Chicago’s Savviest Singles (ha!). But then the Backwards R dumped me via e-mail, giving the calendar (and most of my income) to my sub, citing “change for the sake of change”...I promptly printed and burned the note... After India I stopped for a delightful visit with friends in Erlangen, Germany, otherwise known as the anti-India... Back home I scrambled for work, and now I’m teaching more yoga and writing a bit less.... In July some friends and I hosted an elegant and unforgettable 40 in 04 birthday party... Two days later I turned 4-0 and a week after that things with the vex ended rather publicly, resulting in my seeing two therapists and losing two pants sizes... Friends rescued me as did cowriting a sitcom pilot with Addington for a Bravo TV contest. We lost but shot some scenes with Blaine this autumn --with me in the lead! -- and so far it looks fab. I was weighing a return to India when Kirby Q-Tie started leaking pee all over the place...A trip to the evil Emergency Vet resulted in a catheter and Elizabethan collar for him (not a good look) and a $1,000 vet bill and designation of Cat Spinsta for me (equally bad).....A week later a bike crash sent me to the emergency room for humans (five stitches, one broken tooth and seven good Samaritans), and another question was answered (ie; who will take care of me if something happens)...Then my computer crashed ($350) and we learned that the stepmutha had remarried months ago, effectively canceling out all the lives that were derailed forever by her unholy union with my father....All this drama has made me focus on what I have (friends, family, yoga, blog...), vs. what I don’t (a mortgage, a stifling relationship...) and I ended the year with a (figurative) bang, publishing pieces that could actually be considered funny in January’s Chimag (a celebrity weight-loss thingy) and the Backwards R (a naked poetry thingy).... But lest I get too cocky, 2005 will kick off with a root canal for me and a urine review for Kirby (to make sure he’s licked his pecker problem)...A big thank you for helping me muck through this year. And may 2005 be a more peaceful one for the lot of us.

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