At a recent yoga-related luncheon, someone asked me how many classes I teach per week.
"Fifteen," said I. "Soon to be 18."
Gasps were heard.
Eyebrows shot up.
Hands covered mouths.
"Why do you teach so many classes?" someone asked.
"To earn a living," I answered.
They were still perplexed, and talked about how they were teaching less.
What I didn't say is that when you're single and don't have a spouse / partner with whom you share expenses, and need to plan for retirement and trips to India, etc., you take on more classes. Also, it's rather enjoyable.
Then they asked a question that made my jaw drop.
"Do you still practice on your own? Or do you work out with your classes?"
OF COURSE NOT, I said. It's not a workOUT, for one.
And I demonstrate only when necessary in class.
Yes, I still do my own practice.
Without it I'd be a fraud.
Some of those people who live and 'teach' in Mysore are frauds nowadays. They seem to me more interested in the money and a jet set lifestyle than doing the good works that were done before them.