Thursday, October 20, 2011


"Yoga is the science of Self-realization. It is much more than what is thought to be the physical postures, or even the breathing techniques or concentration. Yoga begins first with the moral and ethical precepts (Yama and Niyama). It is most important to be nice, be kind, don’t hurt anyone, and don’t participate in violence. Watch the thoughts, and remember it is just the body and the mind, it is not you. You are actionless. Whatever you do in life, whatever roles you put on, you must ultimately return to the real Self—so why not just abide in the real Self full time. Yoga provides a science of how to do this. Meditation is your true nature. You may say, 'I am going to practice meditation now,' because there are thoughts distracting you. When the thoughts are dispelled, you will remain alone. In this state—free from thoughts—that is your true nature. The techniques of Yoga help you to uncover this."

-Chandra Om


  1. I hope we will discuss topics like your post (Chandra Om) at the upcoming retreat. You had a nice balance of this last time. It is worth repeating what you said before and expanding upon. Chandra Om’s book (The Holy Science of Yoga) is such a worthy text to have. Her writings on her web site are also full of gems.

    Ralph from Dekalb

  2. Trying to lure the PhD's out of hiding with the science references? Yes, I can see the similarities. Research is all about trial and error. Or does she mean that yoga is a well-established and well-tested "methodology" (as we scientists would say)?

  3. Gayle -- I'm looking at my copy of Patanjali's 'Yoga Sutras' by I. K. Taimni which is titled: The Science of Yoga.

    I've always accepted the analogous relationship between the laws of higher life and life as we know it on this plane. "As above, so below."

    This appeals more to my intuition and not so much to my intellect.


  4. R - As Dharma says, "Better than attending all the classes in the world, with all the teachers, is to spend just one moment with Chandra."

    ~ Sri Dharma Mittra

    G - I think she is referring to both that and to something else.

  5. R-I don't understand your explanation. I think there's a language barrier. If you want to explain, can you message me on Facebook so we aren't having a discourse on someone else's blog?

    CK- I'm guessing I should figure out what "something else" is on my own, or you would have said what it was.

  6. Every time I re-read this quote from Chandra Om, it become more powerful. So much truth embedded in this short paragraph.

    Ralph from Dekalb

  7. You are so right.

    Perhaps one day we can convince her to come to Chicago....

  8. CK--OK then, I'm fine with that. I'm used to that from research; nobody hands me the answer if I can't figure it out. Hope you're not in a hurry. Sometimes it takes me years to figure out a puzzle.

  9. @ G: Research is a wonderful KOAN!!!


  10. Both American and United offer non-stop service to ORD from RDU. I am sure you can make it happen.

  11. I think we first need to progress a bit further on the path......

  12. Right. I can try to do my small part. Like a squirrel adding a pebble to the bridge to Lanka, basically.
