Friday, May 23, 2008


I leave for Florida in a few hours, to see ashtanga vinyasa yoga guru Pattabhi Jois at his shala opening in the Keys.

He will be there with his daughter, Saraswati.

Grandson Sharath is at home in Mysore, holding down the fort.

Last night I dreamed that Pattabhi Jois and I were walking around his (imaginary) ashram, discussing his health and the slew of senior teachers who recently passed through Chicago. He smiled with delight each time he heard one of their names.

In the same dream I saw L. from the Dharma Mittra teacher training, in the (imaginary) ashram's (imaginary) ladies locker room - which Pattabhi Jois had accidentally entered (much to the delight of the ladies within).

L - who has the most mobile spine I've ever seen on a tall person, along the lines of Mark Yeo - helped me get the padlock off my locker.

It was the happy collision of two worlds, my old ashtanga family and my new DM family.

So far, they're getting along quite well.....


  1. why don't you do a write up on the weekend for email me if youre interested! livingmysore at gmail dot com :)

  2. Elise,

    Thanks for the offer.

    I usually write up such things for Yoga Chicago, which pays me a professional rate (I was a journalist for over a decade and sort of still am). The organizers declined my offer to write something about the shala for YC, so I put it here for the time being. You're welcome to link to it (and excerpt from it, with proper attribution).

